Helping Children When a Family Member Has Cancer
For most people this is a painful and personal topic, and the information shared here may be hard to read at times. You might want to read a little at a time in private. Pacing yourself gives you a chance to absorb painful information.
A terminal illness cannot be cured or controlled and is expected to lead to the person’s death. By the time you’re told your cancer is terminal, you’ve probably already been dealing with it and its effects on your family for many months or even years. A few people find out that they have cancer when the disease is quite advanced, so they may not have as long to deal with its effects on their family. But no matter how long cancer has been part of your life, it still can be very hard for you and your family to think about all the things that go along with the end of life.
This is one in a series of pieces covering topics to help children when someone in the family has cancer. The others cover diagnosis, treatment, recurrence, losing a parent, and psychosocial support services.
In this discussion we will try to answer common questions parents have and help you take steps to prepare your child to cope with death. Although it’s not possible to control the reality of dying, it is possible to make a real difference in how your kids manage it and go on with their lives after you’re gone.