Massage therapy is a field with a wide range of career possibilities, and many massage therapists find work outside of traditional spa or retail chain settings.   Here are a few alternative career paths for massage therapists: Sports massage: Many athletes, both professional and amateur, rely on massage therapists to help them recover from injuries and improve their performance. Sports massage therapists may work with teams, individual...

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What does good mental health look like for children? Mental health is about more than how we feel — it’s also about how we perceive the world and react to it. It’s about how we connect to others, make choices and deal with stress. Ideally, it begins with a state of emotional well-being that affects all these factors. A child’s ability to cope with stress...

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Caruso Family Charities is a non-profit organization that provides assistance to families who have a child, adolescent, or young adult being treated in Colorado for a life-threatening disease or life-altering event. They believe that every family counts, and their mission is to relieve some financial pressures, such as rent, insurance payments, energy bills, co-pays or gas, so the family may focus on caring for their...

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